Concurrency in Go
1. Why Use Concurrency?
1.1 Parallel Execution
- Two programs execute in parallel if they execute at exactly the same time
- At time t, an instruction is being performed for both P1 and P2
- Need replicated hardware
- Why Use Parallel Execution?
- Tasks may complete more quickly
- Some tasks must be performed sequentially
- But some tasks are parallelizable and some are not
1.2 Von Neumann Bottleneck
Speedup without Parallelism
- Can we achieve speedup without Parallelism?
- Design faster processors
- Get speedup without changing software
- Design processor with more memory
- Reduces the Von Neumann Bottleneck
- Cache access time = 1 clock cycle
- Main memory access time = ~100 clock cycles
- Increasing on-chip cache improves performance
Moore’s Law
- Predicted that transistor density would double every two years
- Smaller transistors switch faster
- Not a physical law, just an observation
- Exponential increase in density would lead to exponential increase in speed
1.3 Power wall
Power/Temperature Problem
- Transistors consume power when they switch
- Increasing transistor density leads to increased power consumption
- Smaller transistors use less power, but density scaling is much faster
- High power leads to high temperature
- Air cooling(fans) can only remove so much heat
Dynamic Power
- P = α * CFV2
- α is percent of time switching
- C is capacitance(related to size)
- F is the clock frequency
- V is voltage swing(from low to high)
- Voltage is important
- 0 to 5V uses much more power than 0 to 1.3V
Dennard Scaling
Voltage should scale with transistor size
Keeps power consumption and temperature low
- Problem: Voltage can’t go too low
- Must stay above threshold voltage
- Noise problems occur
- Problem: Doesn’t consider leakage power
- Dennard scaling must stop
Multi-Core Systems
- P = α * CFV2
- Cannot increase frequency
- Can still add processor cores, without increasing frequency
- Trend is apparent today
- Parallel execution is needed to exploit multi-core systems
- Code made to execute on multiple cores
- Different programs on different cores
1.4 Concurrent vs Parallel
Concurrent execution
- Concurrent execution is not necessarily the same as parallel execution
- Concurrent: start and end times overlap
- Parallel: execute at exactly the same time
- Parallel tasks must be executed on different hardware
- Concurrent tasks may be executed on the same hardware
- Only one task actually executed at a time
- Mapping from tasks to hardware is not directly controlled by the programmer
- At least not in go
1.5 Concurrent Programming
- Programmer determines which tasks can be executed in parallel
- Mapping tasks to hardware
- Operating system
- Go runtime schedule
Benefit 1: Hiding Latency
- Concurrency improves performance, even without parallelism
- Tasks must periodically wait for something
- i.e. wait for memory
- X = Y + Z read Y, Z from memory
- May wait 100+ clock cycles
- Other concurrent tasks can operate while one task is waiting
Benefit 2: Hardware Mapping
Hardware Mapping in Go:
- Programmer does not determine the hardware mapping
- Programmer makes parallelism possible
- Hardware mapping depends on many factors
- Where is the data?
- What are the communication costs?
2. Concurrency Basics
2.1 Processes
- An instance of a running program
- Things unique to a process
- Memory
- Virtual address space
- Code, stack, heap, shared libraries
- Registers
- Program counter, data regs, stack ptr, …
- Memory
Operating Systems
- Allows many processes to execute concurrently
- Processes are switched quickly (20ms)
- User has the impression of parallelism
- Operating system must give processes fair access to resources
2.2 Scheduling
Scheduling Processes
- Operating system schedules processes for execution
- Gives the illusion of parallel execution
- OS gives fair access to CPU, memory, etc.
Context Switch
Control flow changes from one process to another
Process “context” must be swapped
2.3 Threads and Goroutines
Threads vs Processes
- Threads share some context
- Many threads can exist in one process
- OS schedules threads rather than proccesses
- Like a thread in Go
- Many Goroutines execute within a single OS thread
Go Runtime Scheduler
- Schedules goroutines inside an OS thread
- Like a little OS inside a single OS thread
- Logical processor is mapped to a thread
2.4 Interleavings
- Order of executive within a task is known
- Order of executive between concurrent tasks is unknown
Interleaving of instructions between tasks is unknown
Many interleavings are possible
- Must consider all possibilities
- Ordering is non-deterministic
2.5 Race Conditions
- Outcome depends on non-deterministic ordering
- Races occur due to communication
2.6 Communication Between Tasks
- Threads are largely independent but not completely independent
- Web server, one thread per client
- Image processing, 1 thread per pixel block
3. Threads in Go
3.1 Goroutines
Creating a Goroutine
- One goroutine is created automatically to execute the main()
- Other goroutines are created using the go keyword
Exiting a Goroutine
- A goroutine exits when its code is complete
- When the main goroutine is complete, all other goroutines exit
A goroutine may not complete its execution because main completes early
Adding a delay to wait for a goroutine is bad, because timing assumptions may be wrong and timing is nondeterministic
- Need formal synchronization constructs
3.2 Basic Synchronization
Using global events whose execution is viewed by all threads, simultaneously
- Global event is viewed by all tasks at the same time
- Print must occur after update of x
- Synchronization is used to restrict bad interleavings
- In this case, synchronization reduces performance and efficiency. It’s bad, but it’s necessary here.
3.3 Wait Groups
Sync WaitGroup
- Sync package contains functions to synchronize between goroutines
sync.WaitGroup forces a goroutine to wait for other goroutines
Contains an internal counter
- Increment counter for each goroutine to wait for
- Decrement counter when each goroutine completes
- Waiting goroutine cannot continue until counter is 0
Using WaitGroup
increments the counterDone()
decrements the counterWait()
blocks until counter == 0
WaitGroup Example
1 | func foo(wg *sync.WaitGroup) { |
3.4 Communication
Goroutine Communication
- Goroutines usually work together to perform a bigger task
- Often need to send data to collaborate
- Example: Find the product of 4 integers
- Make 2 goroutines, each multiplies a pair
- Main goroutine multiplies the 2 results
- Need to send ints from main routine to the two sub-routines
- Need to send results from sub-routines back to main routine
- Transfer data between goroutines
- Channels are typed
- Use
to create a channel
1 | c := make(chan int) |
- Send and receive data using the
operator - Send data on a channel
1 | c <- 3 |
- Receive data from a channel
1 | x := <- c |
- Channel example:
1 | func prod(v1 int, v2 int, c chan int) { |
3.5 Blocking in Channels
Unbuffered Channel
- Unbuffered channels cannot hold data in transit
- Default is unbuffered
- Sending blocks until data is received
- Receiving blocks until data is sent
Blocking and Synchronization
- Channel communication is synchronous
- Blocking is the same as waiting for communication
- Receiving and ignoring the result is the same as a
3.6 Buffered Channels
Channel Capacity
- Channels can contain a limited number of objects
- Default size 0(unbuffered)
- Capacity is the number of objects it can hold in transit
- Optional argument to
defines channel capacity
1 | c := make(chan int, 3) |
- Sending only blocks if buffer is full
- Receiving only blocks if buffer is empty
Channel Blocking, Receive
- Channel with capacity 1
- First receive blocks until send occurs
- Second receive blocks forever
Channel Blocking, Send
- Second send blocks until receive is done
- Receive can block until first send is done
Use of Buffering
- Sender and receiver do not need to operate at exactly the same speed
- Speed mismatch is acceptable
4. Synchronized Communication
4.1 Blocking on Channels
Iterating Through a Channel
- Common to iteratively read from a channel
1 | for i := range c { |
- Continues to read from channel c
- One iteration each time a new value is received
- i is assigned to the read value
- Iterates when sender calls
Receiving from Multiple Goroutines
- Multiple channels may be used to receive from multiple sources
- Data from both sources may be needed
- Read sequentially
1 | a := <- c1 |
Select Statement
- May have a choice of which data to use
- i.e. First-come first-served
- Use the
statement to wait on the first data from a set of channels
1 | select { |
4.2 Select
Select Send or Receive
- May select either send or receive operations
1 | select { |
Select with an Abort channel
- Use select with a separate abort channel
- May want to receive data until an abort signal is received
1 | for { |
Default Select
- May want a default operation to avoid blocking
1 | select { |
4.3 Mutual Exclution
Goroutines Sharing Variables
- Sharing variables concurrently can cause problems
Two goroutines writing to a shared variable can interfere with each other
Function can be invoked concurrently without interfering with other goroutines(Concurrency-Safe)
Variable Sharing Example
1 | var i int = 0 |
- Two goroutines write to i
- i should equal 2, but this doesn’t always happen. Because there are some possible interleavings
Granularity of Concurrency
- Concurrency is at the machine code level
- i = i + 1 might be three machine instructions
Interleaving machine instructions causes unexpected problems
Interleaving machine instructions
Both tasks read 0 for 1 value
4.4 Mutex
Correct Sharing
- Don‘t let 2 goroutines write to a shared variable at the same time!
- Need to restrict possible interleavings
- Access to shared variables cannot be interleaved
- Code segements in different goroutines which cannot execute concurrently(Mutual Exclusion)
- Writing to shared variables should be mutually exclusive
- A Mutex ensures mutual exclusion
- Uses a binary semaphore
- Flag up - shared variable is in use
- Flag down - shared variable is available
4.5 Mutex Methods
#####Sync.Mutex Methods
method puts the flag up- Shared variable in use
If lock is already taken by a goroutine,
blocks until the flag is put downUnlock()
method puts the flag down- Done using shared variable
- When
is called, a blockedLock()
can proceed
Using Sync.Mutex
- Increment operation is now mutually exclutive
1 | var i int = 0 |
4.6 Once Synchronization
Synchronous Initialization
- Initialization
- must happen once
- must happen before everything else
- How do you perform initialization with multiple goroutines?
- Could perform initialization before starting the goroutines?
- Has one method,
- Function if is executed only one time
- Even if it is called in multiple goroutines
- All calls to
block until the first returns- Ensures that initialization executes first
#####Sync.Once Example
- Make two goroutines, initialization only once
- Each goroutine executes
1 | var wg sync.WaitGroup |
Using Sync.Once
should execute only once“hello” should not print until
9var on sync.Once
func setup() {
func dostuff() {
Execution Result
3Init //Result of setup()
hello //Result of one goroutine
hello //Result of the other goroutineInit
appears only onceInit
appears beforehello
is printed
4.7 Deadlock
Synchronization Dependencies
- Synchronization causes the execution of different goroutines to depend on each other
- G2 cannot continue until G1 does something
- Circular dependencies cause all involved goroutines to block
- G1 waits for G2
- G2 waits for G1
- Can be caused by waiting on channels
Deadlock Example
1 | func dostuff(c1 chan int, c2 chan int) { |
- Read from first channel
- Wait for write onto first channel
- Write to second channel
- Wait for read from second channel
1 | func main() { |
argument order is swapped- Each goroutine blocked on channel read
Deadlock Detection
- Golang runtime automatically detects when all goroutines are deadlocked
- Cannot detect when a subset of goroutines are deadlocked
4.8 Dining Philosophers
Dining Philosophers Problem
Classical problem involvingconcurrency and synchronization
- 5 philosophers sitting at a round table
- 1 chopstick is placed between each adjacent pair
- Want to eat rice from their plate, but needs two chopsticks
- Only one philosopher can hold a chopstick at a time
- Not enough chopsticks for everyone to eat at once
Each chopstick is a mutex
Each philosopher is associated with a goroutine and two chopsticks
Chopsticks and Philosophers
7type Chops struct {
type Philo struct {
leftCS, rightCS *Chops
Philosopher Eat Method
11func(p Philo) eat() {
for {
Initialization in Main
8CSticks := make([]*Chops, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
CSticks[i] = new(ChopS)
philos := make([]*Philo, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
philos[i] = &Philo{Csticks[i], Csticks[(i + 1) % 5]}
}Initialize chopsticks and philosophers
(i + 1) % 5]
Start the Dining in Main
3for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go philos[i].eat()
}Start each philosopher eating
Would also need to wait in the main
Deadlock Problem
p.rightCS.Unlock()All philosophers might lock their left chopsticks concurrently
All chopsticks would be locked
Noone can lock their right chopsticks
Deadlock Solution
Each philosopher picks up lowest numbered chopstick first
7for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
if i < (i + 1) % 5 {
philos[i] = &Philo{Csticks[i], Csticks[(i + 1) % 5]}
} else {
philos[i] = &Philo{Csticks[(i + 1) % 5], Csticks[i]}
}Philosopher 4 picks up chopstick 0 before chopstick 4
Philosopher 4 blocks allowing philosopher 3 to eat
No deadlock, but philosopher 4 may starve